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Manresa Beach Camping

Writer's picture: DhaeshnaDhaeshna

Written by Joshitha and Gaurisha

Once we arrived we immediately started unpacking and putting up the tents. Everyone was quite hungry since we arrived during lunch at around 1-2. Once we ate we started to get everything in place such as wearing appropriate clothing according to the weather or putting up garbage bags to throw away the trash. We also needed to navigate where the trash can was and where the bathrooms were.

Once we were all ready we started heading out for the beach. There we found the rocky pathway between 2 mountains to reveal the warm sanded beach. We got out our mini speaker and the volleyball and started playing in teams for fun. Everyone was enjoying the beach in their own ways. After some time we all saw a couple dolphins! We were confused about whether it was a shark or a dolphin but later the fish jumped and we figured that it must have been a dolphin. But this dolphin wasn’t your regular-sized dolphin, it was huge! After enjoying the spectacular dolphin show, we grabbed the attention of another BSA scouting troop who was at the same campout. Sadly, it was getting cold and we had to go back to the campsite and start preparing for the night.

During the nighttime, the scouts doing the cooking merit badge were making delicious food for us during dinner. It was getting dark super fast so everyone had to get out their flashlights. As everyone was watching the 3 chefs cook, we could smell the veggies and spices all in one to make our mouths water.

After eating the delicious and filling meal, we did some skits and sang some scout songs that made everyone happy. Then everyone was just going up and doing some random thing on the “stage”. This made everyone laugh next to the warm fire pit. Then it was time to sleep. We stopped the fire and got in our cozy sleeping bags, and slept.

In the morning, everyone had to wake up really early since we were leaving the place at 12:00. We all got out of the warm tent and out into the chilly breeze of the morning. We had to quickly eat out breakfast. After we ate, several scouts got together and started playing with the volleyball and football we brought. Our entire troop joined in on the fun, including the parents, and we accidentally hit the ball into a neighboring site a couple too many times. Nevertheless, it was a fun way to start the day. We were given the choice to go to the beach again if we cleaned up the campsite quickly, so we all hurried to do so. We went back to the beach and had tons of fun there. Some of us decided to go in the water and get completely soaked in the salty waters of the beach. Many of us had to quickly change into dry clothes so that we could get into the cars. But before we thought about going anywhere we had to do a sweep and the adults were watching us like a hawk! But once we cleaned up we got our bags and put them in the trunk of the adult’s cars and said farewell to the beach and headed back to Chadbourne.



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