In November the scouts went on a ten mile hike at Almaden Quicksilver County Park. This hike was the second hike for the hiking merit badge. Most of it was uphill the first 6 miles and sloped down toward the end. The first several miles it was just a dirt trail then we entered a clearing where the scouts stopped to have lunch. The scouts were expected to bring rain gear and it rained for several minutes. Most of the trail was slippery after the rain.
On the trail there were several small lizards that looked like dead leaves. People almost stepped on them. As for plants there were several clusters of miners lettuce. These plants are indicators of
oxygen which means the trail had plenty of fresh air.
This park had 30 miles of equestrian trails and many times the trail we took intersected with those. We saw a lot of riders on horseback and were reminded to keep to our right.
Along the trail there were plagues explaining its history. The park used to have mines and there are still some mining buildings left but them communities and people living there
were cleared away.
Overall this hike was very enjoyable and prepared everyone for the harder hikes to come.
-Sai M.