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Merit Badge Pamphlets and Workbooks

Writer's picture: Archana SudhirArchana Sudhir

Updated: May 23, 2021

Eagle Rank requires a total of 21 merit badges, 13 of which are mandatory. This post has details for 13 Eagle-required merit badges. Most of these will be offered within the troop, the remaining can be earned in summer camps and other BSA-approved camps.

Troop Merit Badge Coordinator: Mrs. Nukala

Merit Badge process for the Troop

Two Merits Badges are offered as 45-60 min sessions during weekly scout meetings*. These sessions are available for around six weeks. During these sessions, scouts can meet with Merit Badge counselors for guidance and help. Some requirements may take more than six weeks. It is up to the scout to complete this and reach out to counselors.

The scouts/patrols decide on what Merit badges are required for the Troop depending on requests by scouts.

Merit badge status and completion are all recorded in the BLUE CARD. These blue cards are important proofs that need to kept safely.

After completion, turn in the card to your Advancement Coordinator.

* Not all Eagle-required Merit badges are offered in the troop. Check below for the list.


Merit Badge Counselors

If you are interested in serving as a merit badge counselor, contact with subject ATTN: Merit Badge Counselor for <badge name>


First Aid

Overview: The First Aid merit badge teaches scouts the skills necessary to provide assistance in case of a medical emergency.

Hardest Requirement: You’ll need to demonstrate proper CPR technique on a training device to complete requirement 7.

This can be done during summer camp or other BSA approved camps

Not offered in the troop


Environmental Science OR Sustainability

Overview: Both the Sustainability and Environmental Science merit badges will teach you important skills about how to conserve resources and protect the natural ecosystem. However, while Sustainability deals more with reducing waste in your household, Environmental Science will teach you about the science behind the way humans interact with nature.

This can be done during summer camp or other BSA approved camps

Not offered in the troop


Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving

Overview: Emergency Prep can be completed individually and teaches the skills necessary to prevent and respond to different types of crises. Most Lifesaving requirements must be completed in a pool with qualified lifeguard supervision. In earning Lifesaving, a scout will learn how to handle different types of aquatic emergencies.

This can be done during summer camp or other BSA approved camps

Not offered in the troop


Hiking OR Swimming OR Cycling

Overview: Earning any of these badges will undoubtedly test your physical fitness and endurance. The reason why they’re best for younger scouts though is that they’re typically done as troop activities. Swimming will likely be the easiest badge to earn, as it is often offered as a class during longer summer camps.

Hiking: Troop MB Counselors: Mr. Anupindi, Mrs.Falari

Swimming: This can be earned during summer camp or other BSA approved camps

Cycling: Not offered in the troop



Overview: The Communication merit badge will teach scouts to structure their thoughts and speak articulately. To complete this badge, scouts must investigate the communications styles of themselves and others, ultimately using these skills to host an event and present on behalf of their troop.

Hardest Requirement: Communication doesn’t have just one hard requirement — they’re all difficult and require hands-on effort. Requirements 2-8 will have you scripting and planning events, attending local meetings, and presenting on multiple occasions.

Troop MB Counselors: Mr. Ganesan, Mrs.Anand, Mrs.Kaur


Citizenship in the World

Overview: Citizenship in the World will teach scouts about the various organizations that help to uphold international law. Scouts will also learn about various cultures and global events, hopefully becoming more open-minded and accepting of all people in our world.

Hardest Requirement: To complete Citizenship in the World requirement 3, you’ll need to research a current world issue along with the various countries involved. This will take a decent understanding of geography and politics.

Troop MB Counselors: TBA


Citizenship in the Nation

Overview: The Citizenship in the Nation merit badge teaches scouts about the rights and responsibilities of US citizens. In completing this badge, scouts will also learn about the history and present-day function of the American government on a national level.

Hardest Requirement: Requirement 8 is probably the most difficult part of the Citizenship in the Nation merit badge, as it requires you to write a letter to one of your district’s elected officials. Later, you’ll also need to discuss any response you receive with your counselor.

Troop MB Counselors: TBA


Citizenship in the Community

Overview: Citizenship in the Community will help scouts to understand their government on a local level, as well as identify ways to support organizations benefiting their community.

Hardest Requirement: To complete requirement 7, you’ll need to volunteer with an organization helping your community for a total of eight hours. You’ll also have to attend other local events and develop a presentation to showcase unique aspects of your community.

Troop MB Counselors: TBA



Overview: A good mix of activities and knowledge requirements, the Camping merit badge will teach scouts outdoor ethics, camp safety, and proper trek planning. If you can earn the camping badge, that typically means that you’ve reached an advanced level in Scouting.

Hardest Requirement: You’re required to camp a total of 20 nights to complete requirement 9 of the camping merit badge. You’ll also need to participate in some camping experiences of your choice, such as rappelling or snowshoeing. This should be pretty easy if you’ve been in Scouting for a while.

Troop MB Counselors: Mr. Anupindi



Overview: After you’ve gained some experience camping, it’ll be a good idea to earn your Cooking merit badge. Cooking teaches you proper nutrition, food storage, and culinary safety skills — along with how to cook a camp menu, of course. Cooking is often the first Eagle-required merit badge that scouts earn by themselves, without the help of troop classes or events.

Hardest Requirement: The Cooking merit badge’s requirement 5 has you making three camp meals for your patrol or a group of up to 8 people. You’ll need to make the third meal using either a Dutch oven, a foil pack, or skewers.

Troop MB Counselors: TBA


Family Life

Overview: The Family Life merit badge teaches scouts the importance of cooperation within a household, as well as some key skills necessary to start their own families. This badge is best suited for older scouts who face greater responsibilities in and outside of their households.

Hardest Requirement: For most scouts earning the Family Life merit badge, requirement 3 will be the most difficult. Requirement 3 has you track and complete at least five regular chores over the course of at least 90 days.

Troop MB Counselors: TBA


Personal Fitness

Overview: Personal Fitness is a time-consuming merit badge, but will be much easier if you participate in any school sports. In earning Personal Fitness, you’ll learn the proper way to care for your body, choose nutritious foods, and remain healthy. You’ll also create and follow a regular exercise plan.

Hardest Requirement: Requirements 7 and 8 ask you to outline a physical fitness program to follow over the span of 12 weeks. You’ll need to keep a regular log of your activities and results, showing improvement in various fitness categories.

Troop MB Counselors: TBA


Personal Management

Overview: The Personal Management merit badge will equip scouts with the skills to manage their finances as young adults. Personal Management is one of the most useful merit badges and has many real-world applications.

Hardest Requirement: Requirement 2 asks you to create a budget and track your expenses for a period of 13 consecutive weeks. Outside of that, you’ll need to do hours of research to complete the financial knowledge requirements.

Troop MB Counselors: TBA







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