Hi Scouts! This blog post lists the medical forms/documents and permission slips for summer camp.
Medical Forms :
1. Forms A,B,C Form C requires a physical checkup and signature by the Physician (Exception to physical checkup if done within past 1 year, but still needs signature.)
2. Photo Copy of Immunization Record
3. Photo Copy of Medical Card aka Health Insurance Card (Front & Back)
Permission Slips :
If you are doing any of the activities listed below, make sure to bring the corresponding permission slip or card.
1. Firearm Use Permission Slip : for California Rifle, Shotgun, Archery
Need 4 copies of this form.
2. Cyberchip Card : for Photography MB
Here are the details on how to get the Cyber Chip Certificate. : Cyber Chip Guide Link
Here is the certificate that you need to get signed off by the unit leader and bring to summer camp.
Hope this helps,